Mission and History

Our Mission
The Center for UN Reform Education is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit policy research organization. Founded in 1978, the mission of the Center is to encourage, generate and sustain discussion of various specific proposals to reform and restructure the United Nations through its website; its monographs, papers and books; and its fora and conferences.

Our History
The Center for UN Reform Education was founded in 1978 following a conference on UN reform at Villanova University. Over the last 40 years the Center has filled an important gap in the UN community by publishing cutting edge research on mid-term and long-term proposals on the reform of the United Nations system. By doing so, the Center has promoted discussion on issues including weighted voting, E-democracy, and restructuring of the UN's principal organs including the Security Council and the General Assembly.

Following the 2005 World Summit, the Center has expanded its research agenda to include ongoing reform proposals as agreed to by Member States. The Center is associated with the Department of Public Information (DPI) at the United Nations. The Center does not take positions regarding specific proposals.

Error | CenterforUNReform

Error message

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