UN Development System Reform at OAS 2019

On 21st May 2019, the three-day meeting of the 2019 ECOSOC operational activities for development segment (OAS) began. Mandated by A/RES/72/305, the three-day segment serves as a review process for UN development systems (UNDS): those entities which work towards the actualization of Agenda 2030 (A/Res/70/1). The review process will attempt to improve the functions of UNDS by 1) assessing its effectiveness by examining operational activities and working methods of its constituent bodies and how they work with regional entities and individual countries and 2) suggesting and tracking the implementation of resolutions which change the structure and working methods of those bodies for increased efficiency and effectiveness.

The segment is a modality of the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review (QCPR) called for by 2016’s A/RES/71/243; a landmark resolution which outlines steps to improve the relevance, impact, and effectiveness of the UNDS towards completing the sustainable development goals (SDGs) defined by Agenda 2030 during the 70th General Assembly session. From the UN’s website, “The QCPR is the primary policy instrument of the General Assembly to define the way the UN development system operates to support programme countries in their development efforts.”

The 21st May being the first day of the segment, was organized as an interactive dialogue between member states, Secretary General (SG) Guterres, and several other panelists representing UN organs. The SG delivered a report (published as A/74/73–E/2019/14) on the implementation of both QCPR and last session’s reform doctrine A/RES/72/279. In his briefing, he summarized the creation of new UN country teams, outlined the new role of the resident coordinators, highlighted key efforts to coordinate with and between regional organizations to reduce redundant efforts, and outlined a new funding mechanism for the UNDS. The reforms follow much of the theme of the SG’s reform during his term: the reorganization of older organs to increase efficiency by reducing redundancy, increasing oversight and accountability by establishing clearer hierarchy and standardizing working methods, and establishing sustainable sources for funding.

After the briefing, the meeting continued as an interactive dialogue between member states and the panel. As previously mentioned, this was only the first day and the OAS will continue this year through 23 May 2019.

The videos of the meetings can be found on the UN’s website (link to the first of five sessions), along with more information on the OAS, QCPR, and other relevant resolutions.

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