Third Meeting of the AHWG for Revitalization during the 73rd GA

On 19 March 2019, the Ad Hoc Working Group on the “Revitalization of the Work of the General Assembly” met for the third time during the 73rd Session of the General Assembly, this time as a thematic debate on the role and authority of the GA. The meeting began with a report from the Under-Secretary-General of Global Communications Alison Smale on the role and upcoming reforms to the UN’s media and public relations department.

The Under-Secretary-General expressed the critical role the organ plays in informing the global public of the work of the UN, both at its headquarters and during international events. She highlighted the use of social media, the unique depth and breadth of the content on which they report, and the multitude of languages in which they publish. The department also plays a critical role in archiving and disseminating internal communique, both of the member states (MSs) and of the Office of the President of the General Assembly (OPGA). Thus, the department plays a key role in highlighting the issues of the session, especially those which the PGA prioritizes in their agenda.

After answering three brief questions from the assembled MSs, mostly related to the department’s upcoming reforms, the meeting moved on to statements from representatives. Algeria spoke first, once again giving a statement on the behalf of the NAM group. Overall, the MS’s statements mirrored those made at previous revitalization meetings, with topics such as synergy between organs, strengthening the OPGA, reducing the number of high-level summits and side-events, and streamlining the agenda of the GA all being mentioned. However, this time, many non-P5 states expressed a need to curb the overreaching of the Security Council past it’s Chartered prerogatives, including the holding thematic debates regarding issues not directly related to immediate peace and security. States felt that this undermines the GA’s role and authority and the diminishes democratic discussion of issues.

The debate ended with the co-chairs listing the upcoming four AHWG meetings, with many states mentioning the April 9th interactive dialogue with the Secretariat as of particular interest to them.

A recording of the meeting can be found on the UN’s website here.

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