Useful Links

UN Resources

UN System Map provides a visual overview of the entire United Nations system including its principle organs, subsidiary bodies and specialized agencies.

UN Elections compiles documents and reports regarding UN elections and appointments.

Group of 77 offers details about the intergovernmental organization's activities, upcoming meetings and statements.

Civil Society

The UN 2020 Initiative calls for the establishment and effective and inclusive preparatory process leading to renewal of the United Nations system in 2020. A UN 2020 summit would aim to address today’s crisis in multilateralism through a General Assembly mandated, multi-stakeholder process of stocktaking, recommitment to the principles of the Charter, and system-wide reforms.

1 for 7 Billion is a global campaign supported by organisations and individuals from all corners of the globe committed to getting the best UN Secretary-General.

Rome Statute 20th Anniversary: Toolkit, Events, Videos & Statements (as compiled by the Coalition for the International criminal Court)

The Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect promotes universal acceptance and effective operational implementation of the norm of the "Responsibility to Protect" populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity. Of particular significance, is their work around initiatives aimed at a UN Security Council Code of Conduct. Two initiatives have been developed as a response to the irresponsible use of the veto in mass atrocity situations: the France/Mexico initiative on veto restraint and the ACT Code of Conduct.

UNPA offers a collection of documents, articles, and statements in support of the Campaign for the Establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA).

Together for a Better Peace Project monitors the activities and provides the latest updates and analysis of the work of the UN Peacebuilding Commission.

The Journal of International Organizations Studies encourages interdisciplinary dialogue on international organizations and offers numerous essays on UN reform: John Mathiason reassesses operational activities for development; Patrick J. Tiefenbacher proposes a new business model; Annett Richter analyses the norm life cycle of UN reform; and Luciana Campos focuses on UN reform at the country level. Jordan Becker and Benjamin Zyla discuss the issue of NATO / Atlantic burden-sharing.

The Security Council Report publishes timely, balanced, high-quality information and analysis about the activities of the Council, including its working methods and performance.

The Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC) is a major source of information on the International Criminal Court for the global community. Focusing on ICC-related developments, analytical articles, and interviews, the Coalition produces The Monitor annually, The Bulletin bimonthly, and Regional Updates bi-annually, in addition to factsheets, reports, and many other publications.
Click here to view the Coalition’s brochure.

The International Coalition for the Responsibility to Protect serves as a public information resource, providing various online and print educational tools to educate on the norm, clarify misconceptions, showcase the work of its membership, and reflect on how actors at all levels can implement measures within the RtoP framework.

The Center for the Development of International Law (CDIL) encourages educational, research and project development around issues pertaining to UN Reform, Human Rights and International Law, and Global Environmental Governance.

Global Policy Forum is an independent policy watchdog that monitors the work of the United Nations and scrutinizes global policymaking. Their publications analyze deep and persistent structures of power and dissects rapidly-emerging issues and crises.

The International Peace Institute is a comprehensive online source for books, policy papers, issue briefs and notes on approaches to peace and security.

The World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy(WFM-IGP) publishes several books and brochures pertaining to their work at the International Secretariat. Whether you want an overview of the history of World Federalism or an in depth analysis of the key issues pertaining to one of our programs, WFM’s publications make great references.

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