Center News and Events

Center News and Events
Panel Discussion

Center News and Events

Book Launch, The Group of 77: Perspectives on its Role in the UN General Assembly.

25 April 2011
Pictured from right to left: Center President William R. Pace, Minister Marcelo Suarez Salvia from Argentina (current G77 Chair), Ambassador Maged Abdelaziz of Egypt, Ambassador Herman Schaper of the Netherlands, and co-author Lydia Swart. For their remarks, click here: Minister Suarez, Ambassador Schaper, Ambassador Abdelaziz (pending) and Lydia Swart.

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Center Hosts Panel Discussion on Global Environmental Governance

Center News and Events

21 June 2007

On 21 June 2007, the Center organized a panel discussion on Global Environmental Governance. The panel consisted of Mr. Benito Jimenez, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations, Mr. Laurent Pic, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of France to the United Nations and Ms. Hilary French, Senior Advisor for Programs, World Watch Institute.

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Center Hosts Panel Discussion on Secretary-General Selection

Center News and Events

21 June 2006

On 21 June 2006, the Center organized a panel discussion on the selection process of the UN Secretary General. Sir Brian Urquhart, Barbara Crossette and Ayca Aryoruk discussed the candidates for the position of UN Secretary General, the flaws of the selection process, and the challenges he/she will have to face during his/her mandate.

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Error | CenterforUNReform

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