U.N. Electoral Assistance and the Evolving Right to Democratic Governance

TitleU.N. Electoral Assistance and the Evolving Right to Democratic Governance
Publication TypeMonographs
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsEvered, Esq. TC

This monograph examines UN electoral assistance under the UN Trusteeship System and its more recent use in resolving civil conflicts. The author ruts forth rationale for the emerging recognition of an international â??rightâ?¿ to democratic governance -- 77 pages.

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Excerpts from Mr. Evered's Conclusions:
Four forces in particular have encouraged the recent international emphasis on democratic governance and elections: (1) the demand by individual citizens for representative government; (2) private organizations, such as companies seeking to avoid the risks posed by unstable repressive regimes, and NGOs developing networks to promote human rights; (3) individual States providing bilateral assistance and encouragement of democratic governance; (4) the UN and other intergovernmental organizations providing electoral assistance and encouraging the development of representative government.

The international community should continue to clarify and strengthen the evolving right to democratic governance as the next century unfolds. The UN should also continue to play a contributory and substantial role in developing that right, as well as in assuring respect for this and other internationally recognized human rights.

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