Combating Terrorism: The Role of the United Nations

TitleCombating Terrorism: The Role of the United Nations
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2003
AuthorsSchoenberg HO

This publication studies how the United Nations can become a more effective contributor to the global struggle against terrorism. The author highlights two post-9/11 initiatives - one of the Security Council, and one of the Secretariat, and provides insights into their limitations - 128 pages, book.

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Excerpts from Dr. Schoenberg's Conclusions:

A broad agreement on a definition of terrorism, which postulates that terrorism is always criminal and never justifiable, is not merely a theoretical issue. Such an agreement would make it easier to promote international cooperation in combating international terrorism.

The UN member states should elect to the Security Council only those states that meet the qualifications for maintaining peace and security under Chapter 23 of the Charter. The General Assembly should establish a post within the Department of Political Affairs with a person assigned to act as the focal point for the UNâ??s struggle against terrorism. Governmental sponsors of terrorism must either surrender their terrorists or surrender power. The UN should make it a priority to clean house and scrupulously supervise the UNRWA. The fight against terrorism must be seen not as strictly a matter of security, but also as a campaign for human rights.

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