Oversight and Governance

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UPDATE: In the spring of 2013, the Center will publish an update of its 2008 publication "Managing Change at the United Nations," covering the period 2008-2012 which will include a chapter on Secretariat and Management Reform. The publication will be uploaded on this site.

GA Endorses Terms of Reference for the IAAC and the Strengthening of the OIOS
8 June 2007
Fifth Committee delegates finally closed discussions today on the draft resolution for the strengthening of the OIOS. The draft resolution also contains the terms of reference (TOR) for the Independent Audit Advisory Committee (IAAC).

"Reforming Oversight and Governance of the UN Encounters Hurdles" UN REFORM WATCH No. 22
by Irene Martinetti, 1 December 2006
The long expected reform of the oversight and governance systems of the UN is now being discussed at the Fifth Committee. Despite the general consensus on the need for reform, achieving it will be a difficult and lengthy endeavor. The following analysis offers an overview of the main issues at stake.

Restructuring the Office of Internal Oversight (OIOS) is part of the effort to strengthen accountability and oversight of the UN. Member States have positively welcomed the SG proposal to strengthen the OIOS by providing it with more resources. Consequently, in December of 2005, the SG agreed to appoint an additional 39 positions that would contribute to increase the OIOS capacity to perform its auditory and investigatory tasks.

Within the overall effort to improve the oversight capacity of the organization, an agreement has been reached to establish an independent audit advisory committee, intended to serve as a tool for the GA to increase its efficiency in exercising its oversight responsibilities.

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