Secretariat Reform

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UPDATE: In the spring of 2013, the Center will publish an update of its 2008 publication "Managing Change at the United Nations," covering the period 2008-2012 The publication will be uploaded on this site.

GA President Convenes Thematic Debate
2 April 2008
The President of the 62nd General Assembly, Sgrjan Kerim, decided to convene a thematic debate 8-9 April 2008 on the theme: "Toward a common understanding on management reform."

SG Appoints New Chief Information Technology Officer
6 July 2007
The Secretary General appointed a Chief Information Technology Officer, Mr. Choi Soon-hong of the Republic of Korea. He is the first person to cover the Assistant Secretary-General level position and will be responsible for all information and communication technologies of the United Nations. Funding for the position was approved by the Fifth Committee in July 2006 (draft resolution A/C.5/60/L.67), following the recommendation contained in the Report of the Secretary General: Investing in the United Nations for a stronger organization worldwide, issued in March 2006. Funding for a comprehensive reform of the information and communication technology systems of the UN are scheduled for discussion at the Fifth Committee at the 62nd session of the GA, beginning in September 2007.

On Restructuring of DPKO
29 June 2007

Fifth Committee Agrees to DPKO Restructuring
26 June 2007
On 26 June 2007, Fifth Committee delegates agreed, at 'informal informal' consultations, to a draft resolution which approves the funding requested by the Secretary General for the restructuring of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO), based on the proposals contained in document A/61/858. The draft resolution, inter alia, approves funding for the appointment of an Under Secretary-General (USG) for the Department of Field Support (DFS), which will be in charge of all operational aspects of peacekeeping. The USG of DFS will report to the USG of DPKO. The work of the newly constituted DFS and the DPKO will be subject to close scrutiny and funding subject to revision in a year. The draft resolution will be presented for adoption by the plenary shortly.

Fifth Committee Begins Talks on DPKO Restructuring
6 June 2007
Today, Fifth Committee delegates began general discussions on the restructuring of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and financing of the Organization’s peacekeeping support account.

Comprehensive report on strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to manage and sustain peace operations (A/61/858)
13 April 2007
The Secretary General issued a Comprehensive report on strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to manage and sustain peace operations (A/61/858). The report elaborates on the proposals, which the GA approved by consensus in March 2007 (A/RES/61/256), to restructure the Department of Peacekeeping Operations including the establishment of a Department of Field Support.

Secretary-General Gets Approval for DPKO and DDA Reforms
by, 16 March 2007
The UN General Assembly adopted two resolutions yesterday providing Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon with support to pursue plans for restructuring key departments of the Secretariat – the Department of Disarmament Affairs (DDA) and the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO). Member States had not been in complete agreement on the draft resolutions during consultations earlier this week and last week, but their concerns appeared to have been allayed by Thursday’s plenary, at which they approved both resolutions by consensus.

Disarmament Reform Resolution Delayed
by, 9 March 2007
The General Assembly held informal consultations on the Secretary-General’s proposal to restructure the Department of Disarmament Affairs (DDA) today, 9 March. The co-chairs’ intention reportedly was to gain approval for the draft text of a supportive “Framework Resolution” on the reform.

GA Moves to Pass “Framework Resolutions” Supporting Secretariat Reforms
by, 7 March 2007
Several steps have been taken recently towards UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s proposals to reconfigure the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and the Department of Disarmament Affairs (DDA). Both tracks of reform soon may have preliminary endorsement from the General Assembly, now that Ban effectively has slowed down his push for change. The plans will still need to undergo review by budget committees, however.

Letter of the GA President on DDA and DPKO reform,
26 February 2007
The President of the General Assembly, H.E. Sheikha Haya Rashed Al Khalifa, appointed four facilitators (two for each issue) to conduct consultations with Member States on the restructuring of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (Ambassador Salgueiro of Portugal and Ambassador Rosseli of Uruguay) and the realignment of the Department of Disarmament Affairs (Ambassador Lovald of Norway and Ambassador Kariyawasam of Sri Lanka). Letter available via above link.

UN Webcast
UN Webcast, 20 February 2007
Ambassador Munir Akram of Pakistan, Chair of G77, on the group's agenda and UN Reform.

SG Presents Plans to Reform DPKO
16 February 2007
On 16 February 2007, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, presented to Member States his plans to reform the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and the Department of Disarmament Affairs (DDA):

Statements made available from Member States:

Ban Ki-moon appoints staff and discusses Secretariat's reform plans
9 February 2007

For more on the background of Secretariat reform, please see the latest publication from the Center for UN Reform:

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