Peacekeeping, peacebuilding and disarmament

World Court Enhancements to Advance the Rule of Law

MacPherson BF.  1994.  World Court Enhancements to Advance the Rule of Law.

Excerpts from Mr. MacPherson's Conclusions:
The rule of law would benefit most from an increase in the ICJ's jurisdiction to include allowing the UN and other international organizations to be parties to contentious cases and to provide for true compulsory jurisdiction for intra-state disputes. International organizations should be encouraged to seek advisory opinions when there is a substantial dispute concerning a matter within the scope of their activities. The General Assembly should authorize the Secretary General, as well as additional organizations, to request advisory opinions. Consideration should also be given to amending the Statute so that all UN organs and agencies can obtain advisory opinions without first being authorized by the General Assembly and to permit certain types of non-governmental organizations, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, to obtain advisory opinions.

Bridging the Commitment-Capacity Gap

H. Langille P.  2002.  Bridging the Commitment-Capacity Gap. :162.

Excerpts from Dr. Langille's Conclusions:
Recommendation 23 -- There is an urgent need for a UN Emergency Service - a dedicated, multidimensional "UN 911" that can address human needs, including protection, security, health and hope. This service should be composed of military, police and civilian volunteers that are recruited globally, selected for high standards of professionalism and commitment, and then directly employed by the UN.

Outer Space for the Benefit of Humanity: A window of Opportunity for the United Nations

Driscoll C.  2003.  Outer Space for the Benefit of Humanity: A window of Opportunity for the United Nations.

Excerpts from Dr. Driscoll's Conclusions:
There can be no winners in a war from space against earth. Every country will become a target. The space systems upon which everyone, including the U.S. military, have come to rely, will be in peril. The connection between space weapons and nuclear weapons will become more evident as land, sea, air, and space strategies are increasingly interwoven. Understanding that connection, countries and non-governmentals who work to free the world of nuclear weapons must also work to stop space weapons. If they do not, before long they will find themselves having to work to free space of weapons -- laser, kinetic, and nuclear. If it is possible to negotiate an arms control agreement after the weapons have been deployed, verification of such an agreement without immediate destruction of the weapons will be almost impossible, and the process of destruction will itself endanger the earth.

Combating Terrorism: The Role of the United Nations

Schoenberg HO.  2003.  Combating Terrorism: The Role of the United Nations.

Excerpts from Dr. Schoenberg's Conclusions:

A broad agreement on a definition of terrorism, which postulates that terrorism is always criminal and never justifiable, is not merely a theoretical issue. Such an agreement would make it easier to promote international cooperation in combating international terrorism.


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