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New Text Released for Intergovernmental Negotiations on Security Council Reform

3 August 2015

On the 31st of July, the President of the General Assembly circulated a new text for the Intergovernmental Negotiations (IGN) on reform of the Security Council. The text, which was developed in light of consultations with Member States over the past several months, is intended to serve as a basis for the negotiations.

Talk of Reform at Security Council’s June Wrap-Up Session

by Gabrielle Jorgensen, 7 July 2015

On 30 June, the Security Council held a public wrap-up session before the transition of its presidency from Malaysia to New Zealand. Several reform topics were discussed in remarks by Member States, including the selection of the next Secretary-General and the penholder system. The following account summarizes the positions taken by Member States pertaining to working methods.

Panel Discussion on “Process of Selection and Appointment of the Next Secretary-General: A Call for ACTion,”

by Gabrielle Jorgensen, 30 June 2015

On 30 June 2015, the Accountability, Coherence, Transparency (ACT) group held a panel discussion on creating a more accountable, coherent, and transparent process for selecting the next Secretary General. Panelists included Ambassador Margus Kolga of Estonia, Ambassador Matthew Rycroft of the United Kingdom, Mary Robinson on behalf of the “Elders”—a group of eminent global leaders founded by Nelson Mandela—and William Pace on behalf of the “1 for 7 Billion” civil society campaign.


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