UN System Reform

Globalizations and Reform of International Financial Institutions

Gershman JJ.  2000.  Globalizations and Reform of International Financial Institutions.

Excerpts from Mr. Gershman's Conclusions:
Managing Exchange Rates -- Expand coordination among the three major currencies (dollar, yen, and euro) and begin moving towards an intermediate exchange rate regime for those currencies, such as a managed float or crawling band regime. That would reduce instability in the system and minimize negative effects on those countries whose economic fortunes are severely affected by exchange rate movements in the major currencies.

Alternative Voting Systems in International Organizations and the Binding Triad Proposal to Improve UN General Assembly Decision

Szasz PC.  2001.  Alternative Voting Systems in International Organizations and the Binding Triad Proposal to Improve UN General Assembly Decision.

Excerpts from Mr. Szasz's Conclusions:
The unanticipated drastic change in the composition of the Assembly, the OMOV (one member one vote) rule... led to the practice of adopting numerous resolutions that did not in fact represent the will of a significant portion of the world community. This in turn led to the resort to consensus decision making, which in many respects constitutes a retreat to the unanimity principles of the League of Nations.

Reader on Second Assembly and Parliamentary Proposals: Does the UN Have a "Democracy Gap"?

Falk R, Monbiot G, Schwartzberg JE, Johansen RC, Strauss A, Roche SDouglas, Laurenti J, Heinrich D, Levi L.  2003.  Reader on Second Assembly and Parliamentary Proposals: Does the UN Have a "Democracy Gap"? :150.

Excerpts from Conclusions of Mr . Richard Falk and Mr. Andrew Strauss:
Toward Global Parliament: In global politics, interest-group pluralism is growing, but no unifying parliament represents the public interest. Any serious attempt to challenge the democratic deficit must therefore consider creating some type of popularly elected global body.

E-democracy and the United Nations

Panganiban R.  2004.  E-democracy and the United Nations.

Excerpts from Rik Panganiban's Conclusions: It is necessary to broadly address the digital divide but also expand the reach of traditional radio in conjunction with Internet radio broadcasts. Partnerships should be established online and through the use of virtual meetings between UN officials and civil society networks, as well as with selected members of civil society when particular expertise is needed.


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