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Security Council Hosts Annual Open Debate on Working Methods

by Jessica Kroenert, 26 October 2015

On Tuesday 20 October, the Security Council hosted its sixth annual open debate on the topic of the Council's working methods. Pursuant to the concept note circulated by Spain, Member States primarily focused on how the Council could improve its relationships with other UN organs such as the Secretariat, General Assembly (GA), and Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), as well as regional organizations.

ACT group holds high-level event on proposed Security Council Code of Conduct

by Jessica Kroenert, 15 October 2015

On 1 October 2015, the Permanent Mission of Liechtenstein hosted a high-level ministerial event on “The Code of Conduct regarding Security Council action against genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes” on behalf of the Accountability, Coherence, and Transparency (ACT) Group. Over 100 Member States were in attendance, many of whom made statements, including three of the five permanent (P5) members of the Security Council: France, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

France and Mexico co-host high-level meeting on "Framing the veto in the event of mass atrocities"

by Jessica Kroenert, 5 October 2015

On 30 September 2015, the permanent missions of France and Mexico hosted a high-level ministerial meeting on their proposal for restraint of the veto powers of the five permanent members (P5) of the UN Security Council in cases of mass atrocities. Foreign Minister of France, Laurent Fabius, opened the meeting with the announcement that 70 member states had signed the statement, with more expected to follow in the coming days.

General Assembly adopts decision to advance efforts to reform and increase membership of Security Council

17 September 2015

On 14 September 2015, the General Assembly adopted, by consensus, a decision to advance efforts to reform and increase the membership of the Security Council into the 70th session. This decision, proposed by President Kutesa, reaffirms the GA's central role in reforming the Council, and intends to build on positions as established in the letter of 31 July and its annexes, one and two. In explanation of position, several delegates expressed their state's views on the decision, with some hailing it as a "landmark" step forward, and others viewing it as technical, but not substantive progress. For specific statements, visit UN meetings coverage and press releases.


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