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Additional Views From Member States on Options Paper to Strengthen International Environmental Governance


On 10 September 2007, Member States had their first opportunity to respond to the Options Paper prepared by the Co-Chairs H.E. Mr. Claude Heller (Mexico) and H.E. Mr. Peter Maurer (Switzerland). On 26 October, a second round of responses took place in a well-attended meeting at the United Nations.

Fifth Committee Report: 22-26 October 2007

This week, no specific reform proposals were discussed in the Fifth Committee. However, at the introduction of the proposed programme budget for 2008-2009 by the Secretary General on 25 and 26 October, the Secretary-General did stress the ongoing reform process. The between 15-25% expected final increase in the proposed budget, which will include add-ons still to be submitted, raised considerable concern among those Member States who pay most of the dues.

GA President Appoints Facilitators for Upcoming Consultations: Ambassadors Maurer and Heller to Continue

On 4 October 2007 the President of the General Assembly H.E. Dr. Srgjan Kerim informed Member States that H.E. Ambassador Claude Heller of Mexico and H.E. Ambassador Peter Maurer of Switzerland have agreed to continue to serve as facilitators to take forward the consultations on International Environmetal Governance.


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