UN System Reform

The Current Financial Crises and Proposals for More Dependable U.N. Revenue

Rife R.  1987.  The Current Financial Crises and Proposals for More Dependable U.N. Revenue.

Excerpts from Mrs. Rife's Conclusions:
The General Assembly should assess interest on all arrearages, thereby imposing a penalty on late payments.

The Statute of the International Court of Justice and/or the UN Charter should be amended to authorize the Secretary-General to sue in the World Court any member nation that is delinquent in its payment by more than two years, and allow the ICJ to authorize attachment of national assets. International levies should be imposed on international airline and shipping activities, on satellite and international telephonic communications, and on international mail to reimburse the UN for present and new services in these areas.

Proposals for a More Equitable General Assembly Voting Structure

Morrow R.  1989.  Proposals for a More Equitable General Assembly Voting Structure.

Excerpts from Mr. Morrow's Conclusions: The Binding Triad proposal developed by the Center for War/Peace Studies is currently receiving the greatest amount of discussion among groups interested in voting reform. It would not only remedy the flawed voting structure but would also make decisions "binding" on Member States.

The UN Economic Institutions and the Need for Restructuring

Ashby LD.  1991.  The UN Economic Institutions and the Need for Restructuring.

Excerpts from Dr. Ashby's Conclusions:
Bretton Woods Organizations and GATT Need Reorganization - At the very least the Bretton Woods institutions need financial and other rejuvenation: The World Bank needs to renew its developmental momentum--not only by greater capital subscriptions but for more funds for IDA for the least of the less developed, and expansion of structural adjustment lending. The experience of the Bank has been that the policy advice given by the Bank may be of more value than loans alone. Additional resources are required for the compensatory financing measures and supplementary financial measures of the IMF. As always it is vital that the Fund support appropriate domestic policy measures through its provisions of conditionality.

Streamlining the United Nations System –Part A: Wanted: A U.N. Personnel System that Works

Perry ESiegal.  1993.  Streamlining the United Nations System –Part A: Wanted: A U.N. Personnel System that Works.

Excerpts from Mrs. Perry's Conclusions:
Extend Competitive Tests Through P-5 & Make Them More Widely Available. While efforts should be continued to recruit more women at all levels, an especially strong effort must be made to correct the appalling imbalance in ASG and USG positions. To the extent the career track is to be used to fill some of these "political" positions, the recent increase in the number of women holding D-1 and D-2 positions should make it possible to find qualified women to promote without sacrificing quality. If these positions are to continue to be filled externally, on a political basis, there is no doubt that there are many highly qualified women available in every field of endeavor. All else being equal, women and applicants from geographical areas that are below their desirable ranges should be given an edge in the selection process.

U.N. Electoral Assistance and the Evolving Right to Democratic Governance

Evered, Esq. TC.  1996.  U.N. Electoral Assistance and the Evolving Right to Democratic Governance.

Excerpts from Mr. Evered's Conclusions:
Four forces in particular have encouraged the recent international emphasis on democratic governance and elections: (1) the demand by individual citizens for representative government; (2) private organizations, such as companies seeking to avoid the risks posed by unstable repressive regimes, and NGOs developing networks to promote human rights; (3) individual States providing bilateral assistance and encouragement of democratic governance; (4) the UN and other intergovernmental organizations providing electoral assistance and encouraging the development of representative government.


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