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Liechtenstein, The Elders Sponsor Panel discussion on UN Reform

By Alex Maresca, 20 January 2016

On 11 January 2016, the Permanent Mission of Liechtenstein and the Elders, a civil society group of eminent former officials, co-sponsored a panel discussion on “Moving Forward with the Reform of the United Nations”. In particular, the session focused on three areas of reform: the election of the next Secretary-General; Security Council action in cases of mass atrocities, with an emphasis on the new Code of Conduct initiative; and expansion of the Security Council.

Joint letter issued by presidents of the General Assembly and Security Council signals reformed Secretary-General selection process

by Jessica Kroenert, 16 December 2015

On 15 December 2015, president of the General Assembly (PGA) Mogens Lykketoft and president of the Security Council Ambassador Power of the United States circulated an unprecedented joint letter marking the start of a reformed Secretary-General selection process for 2016. The letter was circulated to all Member States, as requested in resolution 69/321 of September this year.


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