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Report on ECOSOC Panel Discussion: "Improving capacities for evidence-based humanitarian decision-making”

By Tamara Johnson
5 August 2012

On 19 July 2012, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) held a panel discussion, “Improving capacities for evidence-based humanitarian decision-making,” as part of its humanitarian affairs segment on special economic, humanitarian and disaster relief assistance. Ms. Valerie Amos, Under Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator moderated the meeting.

Report on ECOSOC Panel Discussion: “Mobilizing partnerships for development, including in the field of education.”

By Tamara Johnson
22 July 2012

On 11 July 2012, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) held a panel discussion, “Mobilizing partnerships for development, including in the field of education.” Vice-President of the Council, H.E. Mr. Mootaz Ahmadein Khalil (Egypt) chaired the panel, which was moderated by Ms. Sigrid Kaag, Assistant Secretary-General and Assistant Administrator and Director of the Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy, United Nations Development Programme.

Report of the 4th Thematic Meeting in the Ad Hoc Working Group on Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly

By Mie Hansen
28 June 2012

On 1 June 2012, the Ad Hoc Working Group (AHWG) on Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly met for the fourth and final thematic meeting, dedicated to a discussion of “ Enhancing the functions of the Office of the President of the General Assembly including Strengthening its institutional memory and its relationship with the Secretariat”. This report provides a summary of the meeting.


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