
The Current Financial Crises and Proposals for More Dependable U.N. Revenue

Rife R.  1987.  The Current Financial Crises and Proposals for More Dependable U.N. Revenue.

Excerpts from Mrs. Rife's Conclusions:
The General Assembly should assess interest on all arrearages, thereby imposing a penalty on late payments.

The Statute of the International Court of Justice and/or the UN Charter should be amended to authorize the Secretary-General to sue in the World Court any member nation that is delinquent in its payment by more than two years, and allow the ICJ to authorize attachment of national assets. International levies should be imposed on international airline and shipping activities, on satellite and international telephonic communications, and on international mail to reimburse the UN for present and new services in these areas.

Globalizations and Reform of International Financial Institutions

Gershman JJ.  2000.  Globalizations and Reform of International Financial Institutions.

Excerpts from Mr. Gershman's Conclusions:
Managing Exchange Rates -- Expand coordination among the three major currencies (dollar, yen, and euro) and begin moving towards an intermediate exchange rate regime for those currencies, such as a managed float or crawling band regime. That would reduce instability in the system and minimize negative effects on those countries whose economic fortunes are severely affected by exchange rate movements in the major currencies.


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